Circle of


Funding Partners

In 2017 Adoptacoastline was awarded their first Global Environmental Fund Small Grants Programme for an innovative youth stewardship program.

The success of the program led to a second grant award in 2023 for Coastal Community Stewardship. 

“Wonderful and impressive work with multiple accomplishments, vision, and sustainable solutions piloted. I am so proud of the work being done and the positive impacts on our youth.”

Ruth Spencer

Inaugural National Coordinator for Antigua & Barbuda

GEF Small Grants Programme

In 2024, Adoptacoastline won the GEF Inclusive Challenge Award and is launching a Women and Girls Coastal Stewardship and Wellness Initiative in Antigua, Barbuda, Nevis, and Carriacou.

“We are, as islanders, quite connected to the sea. We are happy to collaborate with Adoptacoastline to develop coastal stewards, who will safeguard our beaches for the benefit of people and wildlife.”

Natalya Lawrence

National Coordinator for Antigua & Barbuda

GEF Small Grants Programme

“Sandals Foundation is pleased to have had an excellent successful partnership with Adoptacoastline. The team at all times met and exceeded key deliverables and provided reports in a timely manner. The work they do further continues our work of environmental sustainability through active community engagement and creating stewards for a better tomorrow.”

Georgia Scarlett

Sandals Foundation Environment Manager

“Adoptacoastline is a wonderful nonprofit organization dedicated towards preserving the health, beauty, and life of our beaches as well as keeping our island clean. Through partnerships with local schools, the organization is focused on raising awareness about environmental impact and demonstrating sustainable habits within our community. By taking small practical steps, they work together in every location to create lasting change that helps maintain our environment. Carlisle Bay is proud to be partnered with Adoptacoastline in this important mission. Our monthly beach cleanups offer uplifting opportunities for individuals to unite with a common goal creating strong community connections and making a positive difference to the local environment.”

Director / Chairman of the Operating Committee

Cara Doherty

Carlisle Bay Hotel Shareholder

Non-Profit Community Collaborations

It takes a village!

In whatever form, your contribution helped us rise. Our appreciation is as deep as the ocean waters.

  • Boltini Trust

  • 2SIX8 Brewery

  • Hama Film Productions

  • NBC

  • BBC

  • Forbes

  • ABS TV

  • The Citizen Magazine

  • Super Yacht Guide

  • Antiguan Observer

  • Liat Zing Magazine

  • Cacique Magazine

  • Luxury Locations

  • Treasure Island Guide

  • Antigua Nice

  • West Indies Publishing

  • St Kitts Observer

  • Antigua Barbuda Ocean Trust

  • Antigua Sailing Academy

  • Antigua Sea Turtle Project

  • Antigua Inside-Out

  • Turtles Surf Shop

  • Woodstock

  • Cool Cabana

  • M/Y Samara

  • S/Y Wisp

  • Refica Feeks Attwood

  • Mykl Clovis Fuller

  • Michele Henry

  • Evelyn Weeks

  • Claire Tillitson

  • Diane Watson

  • Honorable Kelvin Simon

  • Gemma Handy

  • Danielle Jacobson

  • Barbara Seely

  • Sherrie Caldellis

  • Bonetti Family

  • Elizabeth Andre

  • Ruth Spencer

  • Julia Tysko

  • Karoll and Nick Lawrence

  • Nora Wall

  • Barbara Bauer

  • Jo Prudence

  • Chris & Lynn Noakes

  • Margot Anderson

  • Yacht Spirit

  • Old Road Primary School

  • M/Y Nuri

  • M/Y Sherkhan

  • Tracy Ferris

  • Marianne and Chris Gamage

  • Chris Bourne

  • Chiara Borselli

  • Jaqueline Willers

  • Carol Ackerman

  • Bella Westwood

  • Kay Ann Knight

  • Kenicia Francis

  • Jenielle Lewis

  • Timoy Samuels

  • Janet Kipling

  • Joanne Hillhouse

  • Andres Weishaupt

  • Dr Brian Cooper

  • Kemaul JC Harrigan

  • Kaki Urpani

  • Dwayne George

  • Knobloch Family

  • Susan Lowes

  • Turtle Bay Property Owners Association

  • Antigua Inside Out

  • M/Y Come Together

  • S/Y Elysian

  • M/Y Unbridled

  • Antigua Sailing Week

  • CocoVibes Tours

  • Fauna & Flora

  • EAG

  • Mount Gay Rum

  • Mount Joy Construction

  • Benjamin Werth Design

  • Elmsbridge Property

  • Anchor Concierge

  • Harris Paints

  • Paint Plus

  • Anjo

  • Good Humans

  • Yacht Aid Global

  • National Parks Authority

  • Department of Environment

  • Department of Youth Affairs

  • National Solid Waste Authority

  • Antigua Barbuda Sea Turtles

  • Puddys Nursery

  • Ories Bar & Restaurant

  • Five Islands Football Club

  • Sunshine Home for Girls

  • Yacht Club Marina

  • Crabbe Hill Beach Rentals

  • Floral Reef

  • Abracadabra

  • Tamarind Hills

  • The Tailors Daughter

  • Museum of Antigua & Barbuda

  • Antigua Rainforest Company

  • Island Rentals

  • Zenergy Boutique

  • Fish n Fins

  • BarbudaGo

  • Canva

  • West Indies Sail Foundation

  • Wallings Nature Reserve

  • Club Amaranthus

  • University of the West Indies

  • ACB Caribbean

  • DBB Design

  • Foppapadretti

  • Posh Pirate

  • I Love Antigua Barbuda

Voices of Support

  • "As Chairman of the National Solid Waste Management Authority, I cannot underscore the significant contribution which our shorelines, environment and country has benefited from Adoptacoastline. You guys have been an invaluable partner to addressing the illegal dumping and moreso towards the societal change that is necessary to change this bad practice of our citizens. I shudder to see a future without your organization and hope that many more organizations will take on the challenge which your organization has so nobly and ably been able to confront. I am honored to have been apart of your efforts and look forward to broadening this environmental fight into greater areas and spaces."

    Senator Michael Joseph

  • "I got involved in the Adopt a Coastline project because of my dedication to protecting and preserving the natural environment, particularly the coastline, which plays a vital role in the ecosystem and local economy. The project allows me to directly contribute to efforts aimed at maintaining cleaner and healthier coastlines, which are essential for biodiversity, tourism, and community well-being. Adopt a Coastline is important because coastlines are vulnerable to pollution, erosion, and the impacts of climate change. Preserving them helps protect marine life, reduce environmental degradation, and support sustainable livelihoods for communities that depend on the sea for fishing, tourism, and other activities. By engaging in such initiatives, im playing a key role in safeguarding these critical areas for future generations."

    Senator Dwayne George

  • "As part of a coastal community, residents in St. Mary's South rely on the health of the ocean for our survival. We thank Adoptacoastline for helping to bring awareness to the importance of protecting our marine and coastal ecosystems. Together, our community is committed to keeping our beaches clean, planting trees and managing our coastal resources."

    Hon. Kelvin 'Shugy' Simon

    MP St Mary's South

  • "Being a part of the Adoptacoastline initiative at Johnsons Point Beach has been an incredibly fulfilling experience. My involvement with Adoptacoastline began at that location for its first UN Day Beach Clean Up. Since then, I have been fortunate to witness firsthand the blossoming of the beach. From the installation of benches to the continuous efforts to maintain its beauty, Johnsons Point has become a sanctuary not just for nature but for the community itself.One of my highlights has been learning the basics of swimming and snorkelling with Veta and the girls from the Sunshine Girls Home. That experience reminded me that these projects do more than improve a space; they empower people. Johnsons Point Programme stands as a shining example that the beautification of a space can have a massive, lasting impact on a community."

    Esquire Henry

    Adoptacoastline Youth Ambassador

  • "I have known this beach for over 30 years, it was really terrible, you couldn't bring your children and sit there, you were between all the garbage, it was horrible! Right now, it is so beautiful."

    Lila Namu,

    Johnsons Point Resident

    Adoptacoastline Volunteer

  • "Thank you for being such a positive influence in the lives of all the girls."

    Captain Patricia

    Leader, Sunshine School for Girls

  • "We have seen a change in behaviour with individuals actually using the bins that have been placed on the beach."

    Joshuanette Francis

    Johnsons Point Resident and Founder, Good Humans

  • "As a school, Adoptacoastline gave us the opportunity for extracurricular activities, for us to go out of the school to the beach, we always make ourselves available to come and do the cleanup."

    Ryona Joseph


    Old Road Primary School

  • "We've been inspired by the amazing work being done by Adoptacoastline on the beaches of Antigua and Barbuda. They've been cleaning beaches to make them safe for wildlife and even finding new uses for the plastics they have collected. Great work!"

    Jumby Bay Fund

  • "CocoVibes would like to express our support for Adoptacoastline, in particular the Community Coastal Stewardship Program. We hold a long-term love for our coastal ecosystems and a dedication to coastal stewardship so that our ecosystems thrive. We consider ourselves an ally and partner of Adoptacoastline in this. We have already seen the transformation that is possible and look forward to many more happy beach clean-ups and a healthy abundant natural environment for generations to come. "

    George & Brittney Patrick


  • "DiveCarib would like to express their support for Adoptacoastline expanding their program to include local businesses to adopt and steward coastlines with the same dedication and consistency model they have designed. Most dive days we have to cut away and collect fishing line (left behind by fishermen) that has caught on the corals on the local reefs, as well as collecting other marine debris (e.g. plastic/glass bottles, plastic packaging etc), and we have no doubt that many animals get tangled in debris that has been discarded by humans; we see this first hand."

    Louis Evans


    Dive Carib

  • "Five Islands Football would like to express our support for Adoptacoastline and our gratitude to be part of the Community Coastal Stewardship Program. Five Islands FC has adopted two local beaches Rocky Bay and Hideaway Bay. Our young players are participating in regular beach clean ups and learning about the importance of keeping our natural ecosystems litter free. In the future we are planning to install two Adoptacoastline bins to ensure trash stays off the beaches and replanting indigenous species to help the beach thrive. We are happy to see that many of our young players are also encouraging beach visitors to pick up trash when they see if being dropped and take trash home. We look forward to a long, happy, healthy partnership with Adoptacoastline to keep Antigua nice."

    Fernando Abraham


  • "I am the publisher of Antigua & Barbuda The Citizen, the official publication of the Citizenship by Investment Unit. I believe Adopt a Coastline’s initiative to help protect the health and wellbeing of Antigua & Barbuda’s coastlines, environment and ocean habitat is of outmost importance. Promoting awareness and unwavering stewardship of the islands’ resources is part of the organisation’s many objectives hence to help them reach a wider audience I have given the organisation four full page advertisements in The Citizen magazine, worth in total USD 10,000. "

    Danielle Jacobsen


  • "I am extremely pleased to support the Adopt-a-Coastline community program in expanding their excellent work in Antigua and Barbuda. As former Director of the Antigua Sea Turtle Project (2007-2020) and former WIDECAST Country Coordinator, the work of the Adopt-aCoastline in removing litter and debris from Antigua’s coastline and sensitizing community members was an invaluable support in conservation of endangered sea turtle coastal and marine habitats."

    Mykl Clovis

  • "There are days now when I visit the beach that the trash is very minimal, in stark contrast to the past 40 years. This is a sign that gives us hope that future generations will benefit from the tireless efforts of organizations like the dedicated Adoptacoastline Project and the inspired volunteers. We pray that future generations will not have to witness the beach as a knee deep dump site requiring the use of dozens of trucks to haul the sorry mess to Cooks Dump. Let us hope that a walk on the beaches of Antigua can be an organic stroll over the sand, seashells, sea glass, driftwood, and a little organic seaweed."

    Nora Wall

    Turtle Bay Resident

  • "The youth have nothing like this in Antigua to inspire them to help them towards healthier habits and lifestyles and this is a great opportunity for them to become part of a bigger community than they normally would come across. "

    Julienne Joseph


    Club Amaranthus

  • "Sandals Foundation is pleased to have had an excellent successful partnership with Adoptacoastline. The team at all times met and exceeded do key deliverables and provided reports in a timely manner. The work they do further continues our work of environmental sustainability through active community engagement and creating stewards for a better tomorrow."

    Georgia Scarlett

    Sandals Foundation Funding partner

  • "We are, as islanders, quite connected to the sea. We are happy to collaborate with Adoptacoastline to develop coastal stewards, who will safeguard our beaches for the benefit of people and wildlife."

    The GEF Small Grants Program in Antigua and Barbuda,

    Funding partner

    Natalya Lawrence

  • "I have seen first hand all the hard work of the youth stewards. A great job of changing the habits for future generations."

    Sherri Caldellis

    Visitor & Volunteer

  • "Adoptacoastline has been instrumental in bringing an all inclusive innovative approach to environmental issues, conservation & simple ‘cleaner coastlines’ awareness to the communities of Antigua. Education is vital - by involving all ages & all neighbourhoods, Adpptacoastline can directly show the impact of cause and effect on this beautiful island, and its stunning shores. Every little bit helps, however small - so everyone involved can feel pride & the benefit of the work they are doing. A wonderful vision by a simple yet hugely effective all inclusive organisation run by people who truly care about the future of our Oceans, shores & beautiful islands of the Caribbean. Well done & respect to you all!"

    Caroline Blatter

    Publisher, Superyacht Services Guide

  • "A much needed approach to educating and inspiring our community to keep beaches clean, and respect our environment. Bravo!"

    Roberto Falangola

    Hotel Owner

  • "Simple, brilliant ideas to keep our rubbish off our beautiful coastlines, out of our beautiful seas, giving young people, our next generation of caretakers, and adults the tools to be able to love and respect nature. Our bin and clean up team has already made a wonderful difference to Crabbe Hill Beach and the parking area."

    Kat Byles

    Founder PR with heart

  • "I am the founder of West Indies Sail Heritage Foundation Inc registered in Antigua. Previous to starting our non-profit, my partner Billy Gernertt and I worked as volunteers for Adoptacoastline. We were both inspired by the experience of helping to develop the plastic bottle bins and working with the youth stewards on Falmouth Beach. Last year we started the “Ocean Love NO Plastic NO Waste” school environmental program."

    Charlotte Hooijdonk

    Carib Wish